St. Mina's Coptic Orthodox Church of Hamilton
Saint Bishoy the Great is the founder of the monastery called after his name in Wadi El-Natroun. His name is "Bishoy" in Coptic, the equivalent of "Sammy", meaning just. In French his name is St. Paisious, and the church
mentions him in the liturgy as "The Perfect Man, the Beloved by our Good Savior" (al-ragol al-kamil habeeb mokhalisona al-saleh). He is also called "The Star of the Wilderness" (kawkab el-barieah).

Our saint was born 320 A.D. around the Nile's Delta in Egypt. His righteous mother raised him up, after his father's death, along with his six siblings. God has rewarded his mother for her well-upbringing of her children by sending to her His angels and chose Bishoy to become a servant for Him for the rest of his life.

In 340 A.D., when Bishoy was 20 years old, he went to the "Isqiet" wilderness and became a student of Saint Bimwa, who was a student of Saint Abu Makar the great. Over there, Bishoy, became a spiritual friend of the saint who was famous for obedience, St. Yuhanis the dwarf---who planted a dry stick in obedience of his teacher Saint Bimwa and it grew and became a fruitful tree through the blessing of his obedience.